Click to add point

Left click to add reversing point

R to randomize the whole board and create the most "beautiful" melodies


This is a super tiny project based on this very interesting math video:

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
TagsMusic Production, Pixel Art


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imagine a bullet hell game with this as a mechanic

Like just beign a character in there and have to dodge the bars? yeah seems like it could be quite fun, nice idea

(1 edit)


could be cool if like, you had to dodge both the bars and the dots that the bars spin on, maybe with the dots that make bars spin one direction affecting you differently than a dot that makes a bar spin on another, maybe the bars deal damage and the dots cause one of two status effects?

could be cool with having like, dots that move and such too! all of those different kinds of dots (and the different kinds of bars, even if only differentiated by speed) are colored differently


This is great - you could really expand on this to create some interesting loops


I found out it's really hard to get a grasp on it and control it, really. And I spend quite some time trying to make sense of it.

Might try to do similar ones in the future!

Glad you liked it! Thanks!


I had a great time playing this piano. I wish there were more instruments and more than one music table, so I could mix to melodies and compose cool stuff hahaha. 


Believe me, I tried to actually control what is being played and its very very hard. Welp maybe someone else could. 

Maybe theres a project there, with a few more whacky instruments and a way to sync them and make them sound together, maybe some genius could make some actual worthwile music. Maybe someday! 

Thanks for playing! :) 


I love that you turned this bizarre math problem into a piano.


Thanks! :) The first time i looked at the video I wa slike "Hmmm this has a weird rythmic elegance to it, I wonder what would happen if each point played a sound"


I can see that and agreed lol